Free Lessons, Lectures Highlight National Yoga Month

"NaYoMo" might seem like a word from another language to many people, but to yoga enthusiasts, it's music to their ears.
NaYoMo, for those who are unfamiliar, is short National Yoga Month which occurs every September and celebrates the practice, making it a perfect occasion for those interested in yoga to discover the benefits of the practice.

National Yoga Month occurs every September and involves yoga studios and instructors all across the U.S. and Canada. The month-long event features more than 2000 free classes and lectures designed to bring awareness to the mental and physical health benefits of yoga to people who, for some one reason or another, have not had the opportunity to visit a yoga studio and enjoy a lesson.
But those longtime students need not feel there's nothing for them in National Yoga Month.  There are plenty of special classes and lectures scheduled that you'll find interesting and informative as well.
The celebration of yoga originated with Johannnes Fisslinger who founded the Yoga Health Foundation in Los Angeles.  Fisslinger created National Yoga Month to inspire people to join the lifestyle and discover the benefits.  His efforts caught the attention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who in 2008 designated National Yoga Month as an official health observance.
In that first year, organisation began with a "Yoga Health Festival", 10-city  tour that started in Denver and ended in October in Vancouver, Canada.  On its journey, the National Yoga Month celebration brought the discipline and the philosophy of yoga to thousands of people in the form of sessions, music and exhibits.
Since that time, it has evolved into a global occasion that brings together hundreds of thousands of instructors and students all over the world.  Studios in many of the participating cities offer a free day or even a free week of yoga, a feature than has resulted in thousands of new students.  Among the other Yoga events planned for 2010 are:
Bhkati Fest in Joshua Tree, California, a four-day festival of lectures, workshops and music.~The four-day Bhkati Fest held in Joshua Tree, California, featuring lectures, music and workshops.}
The Global Mala Yoga For Peace Celebration, featuring sunrise salutations, free  workshops, lectures and music held in various cities around the world.
Free in-store yoga classes at Lucy yoga clothing stores nationwide.
Evolvefest, a four-day celebration of yoga, music and community in Vernon, New Jersey.
"Energize Tampa Bay", a daylong celebration of wellness and community featuring yoga demonstrations.
The Evanston Yoga Fest in Evanston, Illinois (just north of Chicago) featuring many of the North Shore's top yoga studios and a meditation session for peace, compassion and prosperity.
These are but a few such events and celebrations taking place around the nation and world.  Check with your local yoga studio for information on the events taking place all month long in your area.  Use National Yoga Month to introduce you to the joy and benefits of yoga that can last your whole life.
Lindaa Adams adores all things that have to do with health.
One of the top yoga blogs Lindaa has found is Kamloops Yoga Instructors, which is a exceptional blend of yoga and health. For more information, you may also visit Kamloops Yoga Fitness Boot Camp

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