When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?

When you teach a friend, co-worker, or family member, one Yoga technique, you have taken the first step toward becoming a Yoga teacher. This is the traditional way Yoga was initially taught before Hatha Yoga classes became such a "magnet" to the public. Large Yoga classes are not a bad thing, but it is easy to forget the way Yoga was taught for centuries.
Now, let's fast forward into the 21st century. Today, we have access to instant information. You can learn Yoga from television, the Internet, books, DVD's, MP3's, CD's and e-Books. It would seem anyone who wants to become a Yoga teacher has all the tools, at hand, to pursue his or her dream of teaching Yoga.

Yoga Teacher Retention Tips

How can Yoga teachers make new students realize the value of long-term training? Is it just luck, or where you are located, that draws appreciative Yoga students? Is there a method for teaching Yoga to new students, without scaring them off? Let's look at many solutions to keep the interest of your established Yoga students and those new Yoga students, who just walked in the door.
When a new student arrives to learn Yoga, he, or she, may not have any previous Yoga experience. When teaching Yoga to new students, it is wise to see it from their viewpoint. Everything is new, including your staff, your system, and your method of teaching Yoga. It is up to the Yoga teacher to make of all these components "user friendly."

Yoga for Pain

Is Yoga really a cure for pain? What kind of Yoga teacher should you visit for pain management? What style of Yoga would be best, if you are constantly feeling pain? In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Let's look at some pain management solutions that Yoga has to offer.
Is Yoga really a cure for pain? Many Yoga students swear by the results they have received from regularly attending Yoga classes, two or three times per week. In truth, Yoga has its limits - just like any diet. Can you imagine if you were going to diet wisely once a week? You can imagine the results.

What is Yoga? Asana in the Context of the Six Yogas System

What Is Yoga?
Yoga is freedom. It is love. It is pure, radiant, unobstructed joy. It
is pure awareness, wide-awake and clear.
~ Richard Freeman, director of The Yoga Workshop, in Boulder, CO
Here in the United States, on the cusp of 2006, just about everyone has heard the word "yoga." For many if not most, the word conjures images of scantily-clad beings with expanding and twisting limbs: a well-worn "scene" in health clubs, retreat centers, and yoga spaces throughout the country. In other words, it brings to mind the practice of asana ~ sequences of physical movements and postures ~ which, as it turns out, represent just a tiny slice of the entire "pie" that is the Yoga Tradition(s) of the larger world (universe, cosmos). Now there's nothing wrong with the practice of asana (I do it myself, and find it quite wonderful!), but it might be useful to be able to place this particular aspect of yoga onto its larger "map" ~ to have a sense of the tradition(s) from which it arises and to which it returns, and to understand asana to be just one of many possible entry-points into this vast and beautiful territory. So let's explore ...

Five Reasons Why You Should Not be a Yoga Teacher

Truthfully, there are no reasons why any of us cannot be, or do, what we want, as long as you are not hurting anyone. You should always strive to be the best you can be. However, you may find that many people create obstacles, in front of themselves, to avoid success.
This is truly ironic that we hold ourselves back from making achievements, and teaching Yoga is just one of many goals that are not fully realized. Below is a list of common reasons why many good Yoga practitioners do not pursue their goal of becoming a Yoga instructor.

Understanding the Different Types of Yoga

Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga. With a choice of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and many more it can be easy to get confused
The article will help you to understand the difference between the most popular types of Yoga so you can choose which type is right for you.

Don't Be a Shmogi, Taking Yoga Back

From Shmoga Back to Yoga
I have some good news and I have some bad news. I'll start with the bad news. There has been an attempt to hijack and kidnap yoga from us. And now the good news, you can take it back. Many practitioners call themselves yogis or yoginis but they have taken the sacred practice of yoga and changed it to an inaccessible and inauthentic practice. They are who I call Shmogis(ginis), or phony yogis! Many of these Shmogis have tried to take yoga away from the masses by spreading myths about the practice and I want us to take yoga back.

Yoga Body, Yoga Spirit: Can We Have Both?

It's easy to understand why John Friend highly recommends the book Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Yoga "for all sincere students of yoga." Because, Mark Singleton's thesis is a well researched expose of how modern hatha yoga, or "posture practice," as he terms it, has changed within and after the practice left India.

Yoga for Beginners - Are You A Yoga Master? You Might Already Be One!

I have my own personal answers to the above questions and are they are within this article.
However you are here on this page because you may be searching for yoga instruction or searching for help with your stress relief, pain, anxiety or unhappiness. Or maybe the title perked your interest? So why not keep reading? Maybe you will learn something about you never knew before. I could go into yoga history here, but that's a whole other page, for now just read on to learn the basics or foundation every aspiring yoga student should be aware of.

Which Type of Yoga is Right For Me?

With the popularity of yoga rising throughout the western world, you have probably heard about it's healing powers by now. However, you still aren't sure exactly what kind of yoga may be right for your lifestyle. Chances are, you have probably asked everyone you know who practices yoga. While they may have a few suggestions, they may be bias in their decision making when it comes to which type of yoga you should choose.
Iit is fairly simple to find the right kind of yoga for you. Especially if you have all of the information there is to know about yoga. First and foremost you should try to consider why you are planning on entering the yoga lifestyle. Whether it was suggested to you from your doctor for medical treatment, or if it is a means for you to reconnect with a healthy lifestyle.

Yoga Videos - Find the Best Yoga Videos For You

Yoga videos are a great thing for anyone who wants to study and learn yoga in the comfort of their own home. In addition, many yoga videos are great for parents and children to do together. If you have thought about trying yoga, but you have not made the leap yet, then it's time to give yoga a try with yoga videos. If you are not completely sure, you can always check out a few yoga videos from your library; to find out if this is something that you would like to do. There are also kid's yoga videos, if you want to get your children involved - this would be an excellent option. Please keep in mind to ask your physician before starting any type of exercise plan (such as yoga).

Yoga - Origin and Background

Yoga is an age-old science made up of different disciplines of mind and body. It has originated in India 2500 years ago and is still effective in bringing overall health and well being to any person who does it regularly. The word yoga is based upon a Sanskrit verb Yuja. It means to connect, to culminate or to concur. It's the culmination of mind and body or the culmination of Jiva and Shiva (soul and the universal spirit). It's also a culmination of Purush and Prakriti (Yin and Yang).

Exploring the Different Types of Yoga

Yoga is generally understood as a process of unification. This unification is multifaceted. In one dimension, it is a unification of the various systems that exist within the human being including the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual systems. In total there are believed to be five different systems within human life. These are typically referred to as the koshas which are the physical, energetic, mental, subtle, and bliss sheaths. In our current understanding of yoga, we are working to unify these five bodies or layers of the human being.   Another process of unification occurs between of the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.

What is Yoga?

The word yoga is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline from the Sanskrit word "yuj" (to yoke or bind). A male practitioner is called a yogi, a female practitioner, a yogini.
The Postures ....
The contemporary western approach to yoga is not based on any particular belief or religion, however Yoga does has its roots in Hinduism and Brahmanism. Yoga was developed by seers or ascetics living primarily in the southern parts of India. The seers observed nature and lived as close as they could to the earth, studying the many aspects of nature, the animals and themselves. By observing and emulating the different postures and habits of the animal kingdom they were able to develop grace, strength and wisdom.

Ashram Yoga - The Spiritual Tradition of Yoga From Past to Present

The History of Yoga and its Growth, Change, and Development
Yoga began its emergence into civilization some 10,000 years ago through the Tantric tradition. Evidence of deities resembling Shiva and Parvati were found in the Indus Valley civilization after archaeologists began to excavate numerous statues from ancient city grounds, reminiscence of the 10,000 year old tradition. This was the yoga of the pre-Vedic, pre-Aryan age, in which the top the tradition flourished throughout various parts of India. Shiva being the central figure in a majority of these recovered statutes gives evidence to the historical doctrine that denotes Shiva as the founder of the yogic system.

Power Yoga And Powering It Up

Power yoga is sometimes known as the western version of Ashtanga Yoga which
brought by the Indians.
Beryl Bender Birch was the one who gave the term Power Yoga. He was a teacher of
Ashtanga Yoga and at the same time an author of Power Yoga.